One Piece Ending Prediction

Please check the updated prediction here!

One Piece Ending Predictions

The next table lists the predictions of the end of One Piece. It includes information about the date on which they were stated, what chapter the series was in, and how many days had passed since the release of One Piece.

Prediction 1Oda estimates that it will last 5 years1997-07-1900
Prediction 2Oda says timeskip marks 50% of the series2010-08-305974,790
Prediction 3Oda says is 60% complete2012-12-156915,628
Prediction 4Editor Suguru Sugita says is 70% complete2015-07-177936,572
Prediction 5Oda says is 65% complete2016-07-208326,941
Prediction 6Oda says is 80% complete2018-07-219127,672

One Piece Ending Based on Chapter

The next table lists information in which chapter and date One Piece will end, assuming that the predictions was based on chapters. “Real Average” includes all values, and “Tuned Average” excludes the two most distant predictions (by under and over).

to finish
Days to
End chapter
(chapter based)
End date
(chapter based)
Prediction 12381,8102382002-07-02
Prediction 25975,1881,1942024-11-12
Prediction 34614,0031,1522023-12-01
Prediction 43403,1811,1332024-03-31
Prediction 54484,1931,2802028-01-11
Prediction 62282,1341,1402024-05-23
Real average1,0232021-04-29
Tuned average1,1552024-05-10

One Piece Ending Based on Date

The next table lists information in which chapter and date One Piece will end, assuming that the predictions was based on date. “Real Average” includes all values, and “Tuned Average” excludes the two most distant predictions (by under and over).

to finish
to finish
End chapter
(date based)
End date
(date based)
Prediction 12401,8262402002-07-19
Prediction 25514,7901,1482023-10-11
Prediction 34323,7521,1232023-03-25
Prediction 43012,8171,0942023-04-02
Prediction 53993,7371,2312026-10-13
Prediction 62051,9181,1172023-10-21
Real average9922020-07-25
Tuned average1,1202023-07-07

One Piece Ending Average

The next table lists information in which chapter and date One Piece will end, calculated by averaging the estimations by date and chapters. “Real Average” includes all values, and “Tuned Average” excludes the two most distant predictions (by under and over).

# End chapter
End date
Prediction 12392002-07-10
Prediction 21,1712024-04-27
Prediction 31,1372023-07-28
Prediction 41,1132023-10-01
Prediction 51,2562027-05-29
Prediction 61,1282024-02-05
Real average1,0072020-12-11
Tuned average1,1382023-12-08


Taking into account the data presented by the observed predictions, and excluding the two most distant predictions, it is estimated that One Piece will end on Monday, December 11, 2023 at chapter 1,138.

10 thoughts on “One Piece Ending Prediction”

  1. Yup pretty much my thoughts.

    These people who predict 1240+ chapters or 2024+ as the ending year are very delusional.

    One Piece is ending soon, people.

    After the Wano climax which I place somewhere between chapter 995 and 1000, the rest is all a rushed ending.

    Yonkos fall one after another, whatever lore can be sprinkled along the way is just a side effect, Elbaf and Emerald City are one and the same (and very brief), WG ending and final war and fishman ascent and RA battle etc etc etc are all fused into one, Raftel and “final island in the Log Pose” again very rushed, this will all end very quickly in substantially less than 200 chapters from 963 (current) or less than 5 years from 2019 (current).

  2. I guess a lot of people are just not ready to let OP go even if there are 200+ chapter to prepare. For myself, I would bet on the numbers. I also had predicted around ch. 1,100 for the end based upon Oda’s last two prediction, and the time skip. The fact that Oda had quickened the pace of arcs and expressed the desire for the end gives weight to the numbers. I certainly intend to enjoy the ride to the end.

    • It is possible, it really seems that Oda is increasingly willing to show us the climax that has been planned over the years. We’ll all feel a huge void when it happens!

  3. I don’t think it will end at 2023, that’s too soon, however I think it will end somewhere in the 20’s decade, my bets are anything later than 2025

  4. im predicting that the 80% done is the arcs being 80% done. not chapters. if its arcs and not chapters, then we can potentially see multiple long arcs like dressrosa, whole cake, and wano. i think wano arc is the half way point of the post time skip or new world saga. we can expect to see much more like elbaf, reverie, void century, raftel, final war, the world government, etc. we also need to know a lot more of many characters such as gol d roger, shanks, weevil, etc.

  5. Highly unlikely seeing as we still have the rest of the Wano arc, the continuation of the Reverie arc, the Elbaf arc, the Void Century Backstory arc, the Raftel arc, the Final War arc, and the Revolutionaries vs The World Government arc at the bare minimum. This also isn’t including anything else Oda wants to add. All that will take MUCH more than ~200 more chapter


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