Catching One Piece: Time Calculator

Calculate the time you need to catch the One Piece anime

The next form allows you to calculate how long it will take you to catch up the One Piece series, according to your schedule and the content you want to watch.

47 thoughts on “Catching One Piece: Time Calculator”

  1. been forever since i watched OP so i decided to just. start over. god help me.
    if i watch 2 hours of episodes every day starting May 14, 2024 i can catch up to 1105 by November 2024 if i don’t count the movies, which would push it to December 2024.

    we’ll see if i can actually do this lol i get distracted from shows way too easily. might just end up binging the manga.

  2. I’m gonna watch 10 ep / day on 1.25 speed and skip all the intros and outros and recaps, and that way I will be finished in… 10 weeks.

    • that`s what I did, at 2x speed, and sometimes just ignoring the fillers, skipping intros / recaps / flashbacks . watched 1122 episodes in 50 days, so a little more than 7 weeks altogether, 22.4 episodes per day in average.
      an episode is 24 minutes – intro and / recaps / outros – you can reduce an episode by at least 6 minutes, which leaves 18, minutes average per episode max, at 2x speed, it`s 9 minutes to watch an episode.
      to recap 9 minutes per episode, at a rate of 22.4 episodes per day makes 3.3 hours × 60 ≈ 201.96 minutes of watching one piece per day, took me 50 days total, 50 * 201.6 minutes × 50 = 10,080 minutes / 10,080 minutes ÷ 60 = 168 hours total spent

  3. Your watch time should be considerably lower than this because you will probably skip the intro and outro for the older episodes + episode previews.

  4. ive already caught up and have been, just found this, I think its a pretty cool tool, but i think knowing how much time it will take makes you feel a little over whelmed i watched like 16 hours a day for like 3 weeks in a row during last summer and i got pretty far lol

  5. This is gonna take me 3 weeks if i dont end up watching something else but at least i know it wont take be theh rest of the year since new episodes are coming out

  6. This is gonna take me around 10 months if i watch around 3 episodes a day lol. However I have to take into consideration that there’ll be days where I’ll binge a lot more and days where I don’t watch any at all


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